Hello, I'm
Thanks for stopping by!✨ WELCOME! ✨
If you've found this page, you've seen something or heard something that has gotten your interest, right? Maybe you're looking for a healthier lifestyle, or ways to avoid unnecessary disease. Maybe you're interested in how to get the toxins out of your life and body. Perhaps you're entrepreneurial and looking for a way to create independent income and long-term passive income.
✨ We know the covid times have been hard on income for a lot of people with downsizing, layoffs, and closings. Prices for groceries, heat, and even things like paper are up, affecting all of us. Some people, keeping an open mind, have found our way to pay less in taxes, get paid for using supplements and get healthier, be a part of a huge mission to change sick care to well care, and not worry about rising prices.✨ Whatever has brought you here, if you're like most people, you want to know who you might be doing business with. So let me tell you a little bit about me. Then I'd like to meet you and hear a bit about you. Deal? How to get in touch is at the bottom.
I grew up in Rock Springs, Wyoming but have lived all over--big cities like London, New York City, Kansas City, and Los Angeles and towns in between like Leavenworth and Topeka in Kansas and now Winston-Salem in North Carolina.
I'm not a teenager, as you can tell, but I sure feel like one. I'm not on any meds and have enough energy for two people. I love long lazy lunches and good conversation with people I enjoy, or catching up by phone or zoom with family, friends, customers, and business partners. I like to volunteer my help where it's needed and have time to do that. You might find me hosting a networking luncheon to help businesses connect, or at a coffee shop with old and new friends. Books and movies feed my curiosity, so I might be out walking as I listen to an audiobook, or at home curled up with a NetFlix or Amazon Prime movie, or at our local art film theater. My next project is hiking to as many North Carolina waterfalls as I can since I just love experiencing them.
✨ I'm also PASSIONATE about helping stop our society's focus on sick care. Let's instead focus on well care--prevention and strengthening our mind-body connection. I love helping high performers have better mental clarity, a ninja immune system. energy to burn, and protection from the health damage of stress.
And that's where my business, AIR APPARENT, comes in. It's what I do to fund my lifestyle! I like it the best of all the wonderful things I've done over the years because I'm a natural detective and get to use all those problem-solving skills every day. While I was a nun for 27 years I taught high school English, literature, writing, and journalism and then got into media production. Then I left the convent, teaching, and my executive position at ECUMEDIA of Kansas City to rush to North Carolina to take care of seriously ill parents. My business got started after my dad died and a friend came by with a line of products that not only brought mom from death's door, but gave her 14 more wonderful years with us. My business started when friends and family started asking me to get them what mom and I were taking, since we were both healthier, more energetic, and enjoying life a whole lot more!I am expanding my business all over the U.S. and into Canada, Japan, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Indonesia. I'm currently interviewing potential business partners by phone. If you know someone exploring more options for income, please ask them to contact me for an appointment. And if YOU are like other people who have landed on this page, curious about how to feel better, or avoid unnecessary disease...or avoid toxins in your home and life...or if you're someone looking for a way to build independent income, contact me. I'd like to meet YOU now that you've heard about me.I've been a small business owner for 30 years now, marketing that elite line of home and health products in partnership with the #1 Natural Nutrition company in the U.S. A division of my company is called COMPUTER COACHING with KORITNIK to offer personal and group zooms for other business owners like me sharpen their tech skills. I have an active network with local business after my 18 years in BNI [Business Network International]. I love working with my customers and business partners and computer clients all over the U.S. and Canada.
Why not contact me NOW? After all, if not now, when? I'm not a high pressure person and it's a quick, no-obligation way to find out quickly if I have a match for what you're looking for. I'm a lifestyle strategist and can SMOOTH YOUR WAY to products and/or a lifestyle that intrigues you.
You can contact me in any of the ways listed below and those systems will alert me. I'll answer immediately if at all possible. My business gives me time freedom so I might be out doing something I'm delightfully tied up in--even in the middle of what is a work day for other people. If that's the case, I'll get back to you ASAP. Please suggest a couple of days/times good for you.
✨ Thanks again for visiting my site. I really look forward to connecting! Shirley